Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Photo Haiku - Tree Series 2

backlit by the sun
red samaras hang in pairs
wings for future flight

notches of red, stain
Dogwood's purity of white
a blue sky morning

new needles clustered
bursting buds of Tamarack
thriving in the bog

soft, pink-white petals
attracting bees to anthers
Sand Cherry blossoms

Also view: "Photo Haiku - Tree Series


  1. Absolutely beautiful haiku and photography, particularly the "red samaras backlit by the sun." An inspiring series.

  2. Cynthia:

    Although I appreciate your dynamic desert environment, there is nothing so enlivening as a fresh Michigan spring.

    Thank you for your compliments.

    Gratefully, Richard

  3. Dad! Loved the line in your haiku about the samaras:
    "wings for future flight." Very cool! Then I looked up "samara" to find out more, and found this:

    "A samara is sometimes called a key, and is often referred to as a whirlybird, helicopter, whirligig, polynose, or, in the north of England, a spinning Jenny."

    "During the autumn months, they are a popular source of amusement for children who enjoy tossing them in the air and watching them spin to the ground."

    I remember doing that with you, Father Nature! ; )
    I thought you'd get a kick out of that.



  4. Sarah: Just yesterday morning I was teaching a four year old the "whirlybird" game. It was a key to shedding his shyness.

    Thanks for following WWFN.



  5. Now I have one more reason to stay up half the night, LOL. But it is sure worth it!(I am even getting better at typing those "wobbley" works to prove that I am not a robot!

  6. Oh dear, I am fat fingering the keys ,as usual...I meant wobbley words

  7. Rich:

    Those Sand Cherry blossoms are extraordinary! What a magnificent blend of pinks and deep reds. Good shot!


  8. Mary:

    Thank you very much. I like the way the specks of dark red anthers stand out against the soft pink petals.



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