Monday, December 2, 2013

Into the Blue

And now autumn has grown older.
Sandhill Cranes ride high in the sky.
This pre-flight trial to test the young.

Two thousand feet into the blue.
Circling higher, feathering the clouds.

Migration south to begin soon.
Is this the last time we see them?
Four long months until their return.

Anticipating next spring's first sighting,
and the ancient, rattling call of the crane.

©  2013  Richard Havenga

 Listen to these calls of the Sandhill Crane from:  Cornell Labs
Photo Locations:
1, 2, 3 - Home Land
4. Parnell,  Kent County, Michigan


  1. Lovely shade of blue sky, textured clouds and the pattern of Sandhill Cranes in flight.

    Beautiful haiku too, conveying a wistfulness in wondering if this is the last time you'll see them until spring when they return from their southern migration.

  2. Cynthia:

    Thank you for your very specific and detailed comment. Precisely the kind I like to read. Welcome back.

    Readers of WWFN: You should check out Cynthia's blog: "Canyon Stones", found in the list of "My Favorite Blogs".




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