Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Crystal Arches

Grasses, once tender,
green and alive,
thrived in this wetland,
stretched toward the sun.

Then gravity,
gradually and gracefully,
turned them back
toward earth.

Now, at season's end,
grasses slender
brown and dying,
again vibrant in early light.

Silvered by fine frost,
illuminated by morning sun,
flashing prisms of color
focus my attention.

My breathing has stopped.
Frozen in the moment.
My vision fixed
on remarkable beauty.

These gently curving arches
lined with fine crystal,
reveal a sparkling display.
The world created again, today.

If this is a sample
of the radiance
along the path
to Heaven...

When from this earth
I must depart,
I will surely declare:
"How Great Thou Art".

©  2013  Richard Havenga
Photo Location:
McCarthy Lake,  Kent County,  Michigan  (Michigan)



  1. Superb! Richard, because you are paying attention to the beauty around you we are blessed. Thank you.

  2. Carol:

    Oh my gosh! This is about the nicest compliment I've ever received here at WWFN. You are so sweet to gift me with your gracious words.

    I try follow Mary Oliver's advice: "Pay attention. Be astonished. Tell about it." Her quote is near the bottom of my blog. And I Give the Glory to God (G 3).



  3. Beauty just keeps on giving. You're doing Mary Oliver well.


  4. Thank you Marcia. I'm trying to live out those three short sentences from Mary Oliver's poem, "Instructions for Living a Life"...

    "Pay attention.
    Be astonished.
    Tell about it."




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