Monday, August 22, 2022

Without a Map


I think I'll drive West

without a map.

After rolling over the prairies,

I'll hit the Rocky Mountains.

Then, maybe I'll take a right, and

head for the Snowy Mountains in Wyoming.

After that, perhaps a left

to search for a quiet cove

in the Grand Tetons.

Maybe I'll camp for a few days,

maybe I'll camp for a week.

Photograph the moose browsing

along the Snake River.

Watch the Pronghorn prancing

through the sagebrush,

kicking up dust with their hooves.

Write a few lines

in my poetry notebook.

© 2022 Richard Havenga

1. Tie Siding, Wyoming

2. Rocky Mountain National Park - Colorado

3. & 4. Grand Teton National Park - Wyoming

5. Home Deck - Cannonsburg, Michigan

1 comment:

  1. "Maybe I'll camp for a few days,
    maybe I'll camp for a week."
    ~ from: "Without a Map" by Poet/Photographer Richard Havenga @ Walk with Father Nature:


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