Sunday, May 12, 2024

Flowers for Mommy


When Aaron was four years old

he walked from our backyard

into the wooded ravine.

He spotted the beautiful trilliums

growing with pure white radiance

in the cool shade of the woods.

He picked some with his soft hands.

He picked some with his kind heart.

He picked some as a precious gift.

A handful of happiness for his Mommy.

Then he carried them back home

with warm love shining in his eyes.

They were more elegant, more dazzling,

than the common dandelions

he gave her yesterday.

These trilliums were the sweetest,

most tender and generous gift

she had received since his birth.

© 2024 Richard Havenga

Photo Locations:

1. 2. & 3. Ada Township - Kent County - Michigan

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing this, Rich. It is so beautiful…my heart feels full. Barb


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