Thursday, December 28, 2023

Hollow Hearts


You could read the anguish

in their empty eyes.

The stabbing pain of grief

penetrated deep into their hearts.

They felt abandoned and alone

in a barren desert,

deserted by the death of a loved one.

For years

of pointless days

and vacuous nights,

the inexplicable loss

lingered on the edge

of their depleted lives

as they carried the burden

of a suffering love.

But eventually,

with the gentle 

passage of time,

fortified by their faith,

by the comfort and support

of family and friends,

their hollow hearts

were filled with the peace

of understanding and acceptance.

© 2023 Richard Havenga

Photo LocationsMud Matters Studio ~ Kimberlee Matheny ~ Ceramic Artist


1 comment:

  1. Rich…this made my heart ache and my eyes tear but also allowed to so much love to blanket me to the point of acceptance and contentment. Thank you for sharing …such vulnerability. Lots of love to you. Barb


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