Thursday, October 19, 2023

A Pray-er of Prayers

 for Mary Havenga

How she became 

one of the best

pray-ers of prayers:

She offered words of comfort

to those in sorrow or need.

A message of hope to those discouraged.

She prayed with naturalness,

like Jesus was giving her 

the words to say.

She found the right words,

spoken with sincerity,

and people listened intently.

Friends she prayed for

felt a calming peace.

A restfulness in their souls.

And among the names 

on her long prayer list,

some of her prayers were answered.

© 2023 Richard Havenga


  1. Beautiful!!!! Person, words, thoughts and deeds.

  2. So man have been blessed because Mary is who she is. This is a beautiful poem that only touches the surface of the depths of her love for others. Thank you for sharing


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