Thursday, May 27, 2021

This Could Be Yours


When spring birdsong

begins to escalate

an hour after dawn,

you could be there to

appreciate the chorus.

When the calm morning

rises into a soft breeze

just enough to bend the reeds,

you could feel it

upon your skin.

When the sun

penetrates the canopy

and brightens the forest floor,

you could find a place to sit,

give thanks and meditate.

When the serenity you experience

lasts as long as you can stay,

you could take the light with you;

carry it along your path, to others,

like a treasured, transparent gift.

© 2021 Richard Havenga


Photo Locations:

1. Indigo Bunting ~ Cannonsburg State Game Area - Kent County - Michigan

2. McCarthy Lake - Kent County - Michigan

3. & 4. Home Woods - Cannonsburg, Michigan


  1. "When the serenity you experience lasts as long as you can stay, you could take the light with you;" from: "This Could Be Yours" by Poet/Photographer Richard Havenga @ Walk With Father Nature:

  2. Wow, Dad! This is one of my new favorites! I could re-read this every morning! Excellent & inspiring! Love, Sarah


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