Thursday, January 16, 2014

Moon Shadows

Black tree shadows
cast by winter's moon,
strike sharp outlines
on bright snow crust.

As moon travels westward,
moon shadows
grow eastward,
lengthening toward dawn.

On this night walk
through winter woods,
I listen...
for voices in the stars.
©  2013  Richard Havenga

Photo Location:
Home Woods -  Cannonsburg,  Michigan

1 comment:

  1. "I'm being followed by a moon shadow..."
    -Cat Stevens

    Dad, I wish I could have joined you on this fine Moonlight Walk. Thanks for inviting me on so many when I was a child. Ben and I took our first "Full Moon Walk" together last week. It was beautiful. But I love moonlight even more when it sparkles upon snow.

    "On a bimulous night, when the sky is like lace..."

    - "When the Sky is Like Lace" by Elinor Horwitz (children's book)


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