Monday, April 2, 2012

Redbud Trees

                                                             Redbud buds emerged,
                                                             then freezing rain fell.
                                                             Translucent ice tubes
                                                             and tiny pink shoes.


  1. This looks amazing, Daddy! A striking 1st photograph, with excellent writing too. So proud of you for launching your blog today! What a wonderful way to honor Aaron's birthday, just as you launched your written journals the day he was born (37 years ago today). I'm sure he watches you from Heaven with great pride and enormous love.

    I can't wait to see what unfolds here! I will stay tuned!

    Love you, Dad!



  2. Man, that is some macro lens you have, Rich! I love that you are blogging! Now we have to get some high speed internet out your way or you will be forced to blog from outside some snazzy bookstore for eternity. (psst., i'll give you my wifi password and you can roam my neighborhood all summer ;) Your mission statement is magnificent! I am waiting on the edge of my chair for your next installment! Great work and good luck!
    I love you too!,

  3. oh, and it is salix sepucralis..weeping willow..why did you ask?


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