Friday, December 27, 2013

Ice Storm - The Close View

As you walk with Father Nature, may these photographs speak to you:

Click on any photo to enlarge.

Thank you for joining me on this brief walk.

These photographs represent my impressions of the first day of our three-day ice storm.
The final photo displays the layers after three days of ice accumulation.

1. Winterberry (Ilex verticillata)

2. Swamp Grass

3. Austrian Pine (Pinus nigra)

4. Cinnamon Fern (Osmunda cinnomomea)

5. Red-osier Dogwood / Red-stemmed Dogwood (Cornus stolonifera)

6. Barbed Wire (Barbus spiralis)

7. Flowering Crabapple (Malus sp.)

8. Seeds of Grass

9. Winterberry (Ilex verticillata)

10. American Basswood (Tilia americana)

Photo Locations:

Home Land & McCarthy Lake - Cannonsburg, Michigan


  1. Wow! Beautiful photos of nature frozen and preserved! We serve a mighty and creative God!

  2. Danielle:

    Thanks for stopping by again to admire God's awesome creation. I am blessed to be able to share it here. I am grateful for your presence here. - Richard

    Readers of WWFN: You must check out Danielle's blog "Journey Towards Maturity". You can find it in the list of "My Favorite Blogs".


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