Sunday, March 17, 2013

a bit o' green

a pinch of purple
a bit o' green
spring is coming
and needs to be seen
take a walk outside
nearly every day
and open your eyes
to the grand display 

1. Butterfly Violet (Viola papilionacea)

2. Blue Flag  (Iris versicolor)
Photo Locations

1.  Home Woods

2.  Ada Township,  (Ada)  Kent County,  Michigan (Michigan)



  1. Absolutely gorgeous! Especially love the colors purple and green together. Thank heavens for nature obliging us with such beautiful colors, and for your capture of it all in your photographs.

  2. Those colours work so well together Richard - great to see signs of springing appearing over the landscape again.

  3. Cynthia:

    Thank you. Those violets were fun to shoot; down on my belly, camera on the ground.


  4. Rosie:

    Yes, the purples and greens compliment each other. A nice design for a coffee mug perhaps.

    Actually, these shots are from last spring; I just needed something for St. Patrick's Day. We still have 3-5 inches (8-13 cm) of crusty snow on the ground, with more coming later today.



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