Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Loving the World

I have let myself

love this world,

and it has loved me

in return.

I have shared

its gifts;

the quiet secrets,

its hidden treasures.

I have chosen

beauty, mystery,

and the intricacies

of nature.

Each time I respond

with sincere gratitude,

I am given more,

always more to discover.

© 2024 Richard Havenga

Photo Locations:

1. Oro Valley, Arizona

2. Pink Lady Slipper ~  Townsend Park -Kent County - Michigan

3. Hollyhock ~ Home Garden - Cannonsburg, Michigan

4. Redbud ~ Home Woods - Cannonsburg, Michigan


1 comment:

  1. Wow, Dad, this is beautiful and so inspiring! Thank you for sharing your gifts and helping me feel more awe and gratitude for the natural beauty that surrounds us. Love, Sarah


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