Thursday, April 20, 2023

Mapping the Heart


Have you ever tried to map

the vast territory of your heart?

Examined its varied geography?

Searched its peaks and valleys?

Recalled how your journey began?

Reflected on the turns you've taken?

Did you follow the directions

you were given?

Have you reached your

desired destination?

Enjoyed the measured miles

along the long route?

Are you still planning new trips?

Do you remember the way home?

© 2023 Richard Havenga

Photo Locations:

1. Canyon de Chelly National Monument - ChinleArizona

2. Zion National Park - Utah

3. DallasColorado

4. Cottonwood Pass - Colorado

5. Garden of the Gods - Colorado Springs, Colorado

6. Steamboat Springs, Colorado

7. Home Road - Cannonsburg, Michigan

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