Thursday, May 5, 2022

Spring Reassembled


Some of our favorite birds,

especially the migrating warblers,

had been reduced to faint memories

during the long winter days.

Now, as another spring reassembles,

we watch with eager anticipation

for the early arrivals:

The exuberant Blue-gray Gnatcatcher.

The spunky House Wren. 

The tail-bobbing Palm Warbler.

Now the loyal Yellow Warblers,

so bright below the sweater of clouds.

They will stay all summer, 

hiding within their favorite

lakefront property.

Secretly singing: 



© 2022 Richard Havenga

1 comment:

  1. "Now the Yellow Warblers,
    so bright below the sweater of clouds.

    They will stay all summer,
    hiding within their favorite
    lakefront property.
    Secretly singing:



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