Thursday, October 28, 2021

After Rain


After six days of overcast,

it's restorative to see

the blue dome of sky

emerging  from the gray,

and dripping with sunlight.

Sunlight that sparkles

from rounded raindrops

that cling to the undersides 

of yellow Sugar Maple leaves

gathered on the ground.

Raindrops that magnify

the prominent veins

that once brought life

to the leaves when

they were green.

© 2021 Richard Havenga

Photo Location:

1.  2. & 3. Townsend Park - Kent County - Michigan

1 comment:

  1. "Sunlight that sparkles from rounded raindrops that cling to the undersides..." ~ from: "After Rain" by Poet/Photographer Richard Havenga @ Walk With Father Nature:


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