Monday, June 7, 2021

Small Things


Small things collected

from ordinary days:

The lavender softness

of Wild Geraniums

unfurling their

five-petaled dresses.

The exuberant call

of the first

Brown Thrasher

in mid-spring.

Fresh fawns

standing still

as statues

in deep grass.

Red Oak buds

becoming baby leaves

misted with

morning dew.

A delicate blossom

of Mayapple nodding

from the forked stem

below umbrella leaves.

The common 

Cabbage Butterfly

resting on tender petals

of Sulfur Cinquefoil.

The gradual pinking

of evening light

reflected on the slow

flowing Grand River.

The anticipated arrival

of familiar constellations;

especially Orion

and his girlfriend Cassiopeia.

Magnificent things collected

from extraordinary days.

© 2021 Richard Havenga

Photo Locations:

1. Wild Geranium - Home Woods

2. Brown Thrasher - Home Woods

3. White-tailed Deer Fawns - Home Woods

4. "Baby" Red Oak leaves - Home Woods

5. Mayapple blossom - Home Woods

6. Cabbage Butterfly & Sulfur Cinquefoil - Home Fields

7. Grand River - Plainfield Township - Kent County - Michigan

8. Orion - Catalina, Arizona

1 comment:

  1. "Magnificent things collected from extraordinary days." ~ from: "Small Things" by Poet/Photographer Richard Havenga @ Walk With Father Nature:


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