Thursday, April 8, 2021

April Warming


An overnight chill

silenced the Spring Peepers.

Perhaps tomorrow

the chorus will return,

and the early Trout Lilies

will unfurl, uncurl  next week,

followed by Bloodroot

breaking through organic debris,

and wrapped in their own leaves.

as the soft soil of the woods

slowly warms with April.

© 2021 Richard Havenga

Photo Locations:

1. 2. 3. 4. Home Woods - Cannonsburg, Michigan

1. & 2. Trout Lily

3. & 4. Bloodroot

1 comment:

  1. "...and the early Trout Lilies will unfurl, uncurl next week," ~ from: "April Warming" by Poet/Photographer Richard Havenga @ Walk With Father Nature:


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