Monday, April 27, 2020


We are given so much
that we don't need to own.

The sky is free.
Ask the circling hawks
or the swarming flocks.

The whispering breeze
that just brushed your face;
did it speak to you?
Were you listening? 

The silent, magical light
bathing the evening trees.
Have you known its warmth?

Your job is to love this world,
and to share what you've learned.
Can you do that?

© 2020 Richard Havenga

Photo Locations:


  1. "We are given so much that we don't need to own." ~ from: "Please" by Poet/Photographer Richard Havenga @ Walk With Father Nature:

  2. Your poem resonates! I experience real moments of Grace when I am not merely peering out of my eyes, but I am actually seeing...when I am not only marking biological time in this body, but I am also fully attuned to the surrounding glory of creation. That is, indeed, Heaven on Earth and a most profound blessing.


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