Thursday, July 12, 2018

Writing on the Deck

"Is it an old man's hunger to take in all he can of what's left of his life?
... to save what I can for them to see through my eyes?" ~ Dan Gerber *

Aging sweet peas arch
from an antique vase;
decorate my writing table,
capture my curious eyes.

The stillness of an empty blue sky
is cradled by the glossy canopy of trees.

A lively little wren hops along the handrail.
A hummingbird hovers over the petunias.
Steeples of Delphinium blue the green shadows.
A Pileated Woodpecker hammers in the woods. 
A cicada cranks up its hypnotic, electric buzz.

Despite the comfort of these morning hours,
the days rush past, seasons change swiftly,
but I am out here; a witness.

Surrounding trees breathe in silence.
Then a soft breeze stirs,
lifting graceful fern fronds.

Like the breath of God
confirming these words,
blessing my time,
giving this day.

Filling my soul 
with gratitude.
© 2018 Richard Havenga

* Excerpt ~ "In Our Rented Cabin" from Dan Gerber's book: Sailing through Cassiopeia © 2012

Photo Locations

Home Deck, Home Garden, Home Woods.


  1. This really moved me, Dad! Great quote from Dan Gerber too. Thank you for sharing your gifts.

  2. Sarah: Thank you for your response. I am grateful for your kind attention, and for inspiration from the Holy Spirit.


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