Monday, August 6, 2012

Wall of Trees

As late evening calms
the wall of trees
this massive bird
lifts its feathered mass
upward into dense green.

Wide wings  thrashing
through warm air
heavy with humidity
rising to higher branches
of leaves thick and glossy.

Into old oaks that screen
the Wild Turkey's
overnight roosting site.
Perched before dusk.
Heard but not seen.

Photo Location:  Home Woods,  Cannonsburg,  Michigan


  1. This is a very beautiful poem. I feel like I'm right there, witnessing through sight and sound, the wooded roosting place of the Wild Turkey..."heard but not seen." Lovely photos to accompany as well.

  2. Cynthia:

    Thank you.

    Meaningful comments like yours inspire me to keep trying to write well. You and I both know it takes intentional effort, and several revisions to produce good results.




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