Friday, June 22, 2012

Photo Haiku - Montana

sun brightens foothills
just upstream from Paradise
Absoroka Range

dozen horses graze
seek green patches in valley
"paints" are most handsome

head-butting and dust
bull buffaloes fight for mates
winner takes harem

clouds collect color
twilight settles on grasslands
Meadowlark's last song

(Click on any photo to enlarge)

Photo Locations:


1. Pine Creek, Montana

2. Medicine Tail, Montana

3. National Bison Range, Ravalli, Montana

4. Crow Indian Reservation, Crow Agency, Montana


  1. Hi Rich,

    We enjoy your pictures. Ah yes, Big Sky Country!


  2. Lee:

    So you ARE viewing. Welcome aboard.

    I assume you've been to Montana. If you've been there, it's difficult to describe to others the feeling under that BIG, open sky.

    Lee, read some Rick Bass. A fine writer of non-fiction, and short stories from MT.

    Thanks for stopping in.

  3. Richard:

    I want to live on that ranch in photo one!

    Spring Lake Admirer.

  4. SLA:

    I hope you are rich. Land is expensive in God's Country. Maybe you could just camp in the area like we do.



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