Monday, June 4, 2012

Blue Flags in Wetlands

This Wild Iris is such a stunning specimen, that I'm going to leave out most of the Botanizing this time. The Blue Flag is native to our area. Some of these photos were taken in our own wetland, some are from the Lowell area.

It's tall and erect with sword-like leaves.

They like to have their "feet wet" as you can see in this clump growing out of 5"-deep water.

Did You Know?

  • The distinctive shape of the iris has been recognized since ancient Egyptian times when stylized irises appeared as symbols. This symbol has survived to the present where it is used to indicate North on a compass.
  • Blue Flag is the official flower of Tennessee (Tennessee) and Quebec (Quebec)
  • The flower's sexual parts lie just beneath the curled-up style roofing the sepals.
  • The seeds can float on water which aids in dispersal.

This cultivated species called "Caesar's Brother" grows in our perennial garden on the sunny side of the house. One day last week I counted 90 blooms open within three circular clumps. I am fascinated by the intricate, purple-yellow-white pattern called the "nectar guide".

This exquisite beauty has a very short life. Enjoy it while you can.

Now, "Walk With Father Nature" introduces a new contest:

"Write With Father Nature"


Write a Haiku

  • Indicate photo number you are writing Haiku for: 1,2,3,4 only from this post "Blue Flags in the Wetlands"
  • Haiku may be with or without a title.
  • 1st line = 5 syllables
  • 2nd line = 7 syllables
  • 3rd line = 5 syllables
  • rhyming is not necessary, in fact, it's rarely used in Haiku
  • submit your Haiku in the "comments" section at the bottom of this post
  • Winning Haiku and author's name will be added as an update to this post.
  • One entry per person, please.
  • Oh yes, submissions must be in English; the only language the judge has mastered.

good luck and good skill
enjoy the writing process
your words may play here...


  1. Oh this looks like fun.l Count me in though I haven't picked a photo yet.

    I grow similar in my garden though mine are not natives. I didn't know about the seed dispersal but just perfect considering it's habitat. I never even knew about the link to the compass. :)

  2. Rosie:

    I love to see the Blue Flags fly. I just came back this morning from shooting more.

    I credit Carl James Freeman, Arcadia, MI for the compass reference. He's made B&W sketches from nature for decades. I have several of his bookmarks.


  3. Last photo Richard

    All etched by nature
    Towards the golden treasure
    Let me guide the way

  4. Rosie:

    You win the Grand Prize! I wish I had more to offer, but I will get your Haiku into this post, or as a separate entry.

    Word-wise; good selection. Composition; great collection.

    Thank you for your submission.



Please write a comment in the white box. I value your thoughts. I will reply to all who write.

When finished, sign your name, click down arrow, select "Name/URL", or "Anonymous", then click "Publish". Thank you.