Thursday, March 6, 2025

If You Have Any


If you're reading this during daylight,

could you please go outside and find

a good, wide view of the sky?

Then, could you make a brief observation

of the position and composition

of the clouds in your sky?

If you have any.

You know, just the basic three types:

cirrus, stratus, cumulus.

And one last request,

if you don't mind,

if you have any 


Could you please tell me the speed

and the direction they are drifting,

so I can watch for their arrival?

You may be watching your sky right now,

or you may still be reading.

Either way, 

thank you for your participation.

© 2025 Richard Havenga

Photo Locations:

1. North Fort Myers, Florida

2. Tubac, Arizona

3. Grand Mesa, Colorado

4. St. Patrick Church - Parnell, Michigan

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