Thursday, September 19, 2024

Reflective Listening


Now that you have

escaped the screens and devices,

the crowds and the traffic,

the offensive noise of he world,

you are fully capable

of engaging in

a deep, spiritual activity

of reflective listening.

Mindfully considering

the source of natural sounds.

Respecting the simplicity

of its genesis,

as you listen with reverence

and quiet alertness

to the silence that

precedes and concludes it.

© 2024 Richard Havenga

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Words Obscured


The slow summer heat

loitered into mid-September,

so I lingered on the deck

until my written words

were obscured

by the deepening dusk,

and contentment

filled my cup.

© 2024 Richard Havenga

Thursday, September 12, 2024



These golden towers of September,

erect on their stiff stalks,

catch your outside eye

as they flare in the wind.

They dominate

the early autumn landscape

before aging into

weathered gray flags.

Finally, to rise above

deep winter snows,

erect on stiff stalks. 

© 2024 Richard Havenga

Photo Locations:

1. 2. & 3. Kent County - Michigan

Monday, September 9, 2024

Pulse of the River


Long, ribbonlike leaves

of aquatic plants

flex and sway, undulating

with the sweep of current.

I'm wading knee deep

along the wild banks

of the Flat River,

wide and shallow.

Like the hair

of an underwater maiden,

green strands tangle

and tickle my legs.

I touch my palm

flat to the water's surface,

believing I can feel

the pulse of the river.

© 2024 Richard Havenga

Photo Location:

Flat River - Lowell, Michigan

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Edge of Time


Standing firmly

on the sand dunes

above Lake Michigan,

I'm intrigued, again, to view

the barely perceptible

curvature of the earth.

Contemplating the infinite horizon

where water meets the sky

at the edge of time.

© 2024 Richard Havenga

Photo Location:

Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore Michigan

Monday, September 2, 2024

Weaving Daylight


They're created overnight,

in the calm darkness,

these exquisite orbs of silk.

Concentric circles

strengthened by 

radiating strands.

A spectrum of rainbowed streaks

shimmering in the morning sun.

Arachne weaving daylight.

© 2024 Richard Havenga

Photo Locations:

1. Six Mile Cypress Slough Preserve Estero, Florida

2. Home Fields - Cannonsburg, Michigan