Thursday, July 30, 2015


Stepping into the river,
wet sand gives way under my feet.

The river is calming, 
and I am calm.

Up to my knees now, and
ribbons of water plants
brush my calf muscles.

The river is calming,
and I am calm.

Wading deeper, up to my waist,
the current caresses my thighs.

The river is calming,
and I am calm.

Up to my chest now, and
the weight of the water
pushes me over,
carries me along,
slowly, gently,
soothing my muscles.

The river is calming,
and I am calm.

Letting myself go,
I lie down in the water,
give in to the current,
feel the flow of life.

The river is calming,
and I am calm.

Face up and
floating on my back,
high branches
along the riverbank
form a frame
for the summer clouds
drifting by.

The river is calming,
and I am calmed.

With my ears underwater,
and my eyes on the sky,
a sweet silence surrounds me.
I become a part
of this earth stream,
a grateful recipient
of these natural gifts
flowing from a generous God.
© 2015 Richard Havenga

Photo Locations:

1. Flat River - Fallasburg Park - Kent County, Michigan

2. Grand River - Plainfield Township - Kent County, Michigan 

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