Monday, August 19, 2013

Miracle Fiber

Results of a tiny spider
drifting from our big woods
onto our large deck, and
landing on the fabric of my pants, Dockers ®,
then climbing upon my notebook, Mead ®,
walking on eight legs over my Words ©
then nudged with my pen, uni-ball ® :

Dangling down from my pen,
it dropped fast on a vertical lifeline,
instantly stretching to 12 inches long.

Then increasing to four feet long,
to travel horizontally in a slight breeze.

Then eight feet long,
trending diagonally upward.

Now twelve feet long,
as he is lifted up and away
on this nearly invisible thread.

Displaying a skillful escape
from harassment, to land
where he will... into the next
available, cooperative tree.

Me, a mere witness to this miracle fiber.
My attention captured by this tiny spider.
Astonished enough to dangle a few lines
composed of mere letters and words of this kind.

©  2013  Richard Havenga


  1. You must have been very still to watch all this drama!

  2. Santiago:

    "Still" is my middle name when I'm observing wildlife, no matter how small it may be. Unlike "Miss Muffet", I was NOT frightened away.


  3. I really enjoyed this! Such absorbing imagery and so brave of you to allow the spider to do its job; "eek". Gloria S.

  4. Gloria:

    Most people are creeped out about spiders, but once you get over the fear, they are truly fascinating creatures.

    I am pleased the imagery absorbed you. The last two lines gave me the most satisfaction. Thanks for coming to WWFN.




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