Saturday, May 25, 2013

What Do You Want To Do Today ?

Do you want to picnic here with fine food on a blanket in the sun?
     Do you want to run through the fresh grass with your dog?
 Do you want to lean against a maple in the shade and read a book?
Do you want to climb the hill into the pines and play hide-and-seek with your kids?
                              Do you want to lie on the lazy slope and watch the clouds?  
                                                                                     Do you want to thank God for the great outdoors?

Sugar Maple - Acer saccharum

Red Pine - Pinus resinosa

(Click on Photo to enlarge)

Photo Location: Cannon Township,  Kent County,  Michigan


  1. Well, I floated in my pool and listened to birds and windchimes and looked through the spaces in the leaves of overhanging trees and did just that: Thanked god for the beautiful world He's given us.

  2. Marca:

    You know how to relax and how to restore your soul, basking in the glory of His creation.

    Thanks for taking time to respond.



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