Monday, March 24, 2025

Measured Miles


I'm out here again,

running against the wind.

Grateful to God

that I can still accomplish

these measured miles.

Accepting the challenges of

weather, hills, heat and cold.

Thankful for my lungs, legs,

strength and stamina.

Accepting limitations, but

persevering in my mid-seventies,

confident in the coming years.

Ready to run these measured miles

for another chance to taste

all four seasons outdoors.

© 2025 Richard Havenga

Photo Locations:

1. Kaua'iHawaii  (Please note: In the Hawaii photo I'm only 58 years old.)

2. Castle Valley, Utah (In the Utah photo I'm 72 years old.)

3. December 16, 2024, was my 77th Birthday.

4. This is Poem # 1,025 since I began writing Poetry in 2012.