Monday, June 3, 2019

Rinsed by Rain

This morning was rinsed
by welcomed rain,
and now I'm dazzled
by a sun-filled afternoon.

Remnant raindrops
still cling
to the delicate leaves
of sweet clover.

The arching canes
of wild rose
form a necklace
of  luminous pearls.

I accept what is given.
Feel washed from within.
Breathe in the essence
of the moist, living earth.

I sense the presence
of the Holy Spirit,
like a garden growing
within my soul.

© 2019 Richard Havenga

Photo Locations:

1. Grattan Township - Kent County, Michigan

2. Townsend Park - Kent County, Michigan

3. Townsend Park - Kent County, Michigan

4. Grattan Township - Kent County, Michigan

1 comment:

  1. "I sense the presence of the Holy Spirit,
    like a garden growing within my soul."
    ~ from: "Rinsed by Rain" by Poet/Photographer Richard Havenga
    @ Walk With Father Nature:


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