Monday, April 8, 2019

The Open Door

Please open the door
of this poem
and enter
the natural world.

It waits for your
presence to offer you
presents that resonate
with life.

Feel the attraction

pulling your heart.
Trust the direction 
you are being led.

Feel the texture
inviting your touch.
Trust the direction
you are taking.

Feel the grace

infusing your soul.
Accept the blessings
you are given daily.

Feel the current
carrying your life.
Experience the journey
beyond the open door. 
© 2019 Richard Havenga

Photo Locations:

1. Truckton, Colorado

2. Petrified Forest National Park - Arizona

3. Elk River - Steamboat SpringsColorado

1 comment:

  1. "Please open the door of this poem... Accept the blessings you are given daily. Experience the journey beyond the open door." From: "The Open Door" by Poet/Photographer Richard Havenga @ "Walk With Father Nature" :


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