Friday, August 2, 2013


You waited this long,
this deep into summer,
to open your soft fingers.

Curved rays of gentle sun
welcome the hands
that will harvest
this golden treasure,
this small pleasure,

into an antique vase
to warm our days,
or bring
soothing comfort
to an old friend.

© 2013  Richard Havenga
Click on photos to enlarge.
Black-eyed Susan - Rudbeckia hirta
Photo Location: Dad's Creek


  1. Thanks, Daddy! This brought comfort to me too, and you didn't even need to put it in a vase for me! I'm sure you reach many people this way. Thank you for all you do!
    Love you!

  2. Sarah:

    Thanks darlin'. Your kind words are comforting also.

    These Black-eyed Susans are the wild ones that grow along the creek at Grandpa's farm.

    If you were here I'd pick a bunch of them for you, then I'd add Queen Anne's Lace, maybe some Sensitive Fern, for a beautiful bouquet for my beautiful daughter.



  3. Ricardo, this is a great poem. Thanks.

  4. Santiago:

    Thank you for your kind words. I am glad that you like "Gold".

    Bring your hand pruners on your next walk or bike ride, then surprise your dear wife with some wildflowers. (Don't let her read this).



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