Sunday, December 16, 2012

Fragments of Poetry 6

"The land rolls out its own magnificence,
and you inherit whatever your eyes
can prove by their glance
that they're worthy of." - William Stafford

from poem:  "You, Reader"

from collection:  My Name is William Tell   c 1992

(Click on photo to enlarge)

Photo Location:  Absoroka Range,   Pray,   Montana  (Montana)

View previous "Fragments of Poetry":

May 1,   May 13,    July 19 ,   Aug. 18,   Nov. 13 


  1. Lovely. Paul Gruchow talks about a prairie landscape being like a great Persian carpet. Magnificence seems like the perfect word.

  2. Emily:

    Thank you for your magnificent reply. I will have to read some Paul Gruchow.

    Live your current inheritance; your love of the land.



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