Sunday, July 28, 2024

Visible Grace


Let us always notice

the fine brushstrokes

that God has applied

to our created world.

These numerous gifts

of visible grace

worthy of our


May we always be

awake, and watching.

© 2024 Richard Havenga

Photo Locations:

1. Home Sky - Cannonsburg, Michigan

2. Oro Valley, Arizona

3. Yosemite National Park - California

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Summer Theatre


He sat close to the window;

writing, and watching summer mature.

As the Ruby-throated Hummingbirds

zipped and sipped at the feeders and flowers.

And the Sandhill Cranes

yodeled from nearby wetlands.

As the White Water Lilies

floated their purity upon the lake.

And White-tailed Deer raised

another generation of fawns.

As wheat, stretching straight and tall,

ripened green to gold in dense rows.

And fireflies flashed green-yellow lights

in the silky dusk of evening.

As frequent thundershowers

kept the heartland green.

And the window to his world offered

daily scenes of summer theatre.

© 2024 Richard Havenga

Photo Locations:

1. Home Feeders

2. McCarthy Lake

3. McCarthy Lake

4. Home Fields

5. Home Fields

6. Home Woods

7. Home Fields

Monday, July 22, 2024

Each Day II


Each morning opens the day

with an invitation.

Each evening closes the day

with appreciation.

Each day is an opportunity

to say a prayer of gratitude

to God who numbers our days

and calms our restless hearts.

© 2024 Richard Havenga

You may also enjoy: "Each Day" ~ July 22, 2021 

Photo Locations:

1. Nanoose Bay - British Columbia - Canada

2. Buena VistaColorado

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Sounds Like Praise


As dawn expanded into morning,

I watched this piece of earth

fill with radiant light.

A breeze stirred the leaves,

and colors awakened

in summer wildflowers.

Listening to the quiet start

of this brand new day,

birdsong sounds like praise.

© 2024 Richard Havenga

Photo Locations:

1. & 2. Glacier National Park Montana

3. Home Woods - Cannonsburg, Michigan

Monday, July 15, 2024

Perfect Grace


In the dead center

of the radiating rays

of the Queen Anne's Lace,

a speck of deep purple.

Have you noticed?

Or are you still

trying to overcome

your infatuation

with the perfect grace

of her white face?

© 2024 Richard Havenga

Photo Locations:

1. & 2. Home Fields - Cannonsburg, Michigan

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Guidelines for Poets

The necessity for solitude.

Sensitivity to your surroundings.

The significance of tranquility.

A reverent sense of place.

Awareness through all senses.

Recognition of the Spirit within.

The wonder of mystery.

A sincere love of nature.

Search for God's presence.

Pursue your curiosity.

Celebrate the seasons.

Write often. Revise more.

Honor the abundance of creation

with praise for the creator.

Gratitude. Every day, gratitude.

© 2024 Richard Havenga

Photo Location:

1. Louisville, Colorado


Monday, July 8, 2024

Friday, July 5, 2024

God's Voice


God speaks to me without words:

In the spectacular inflorescence

of dependable, seasonal wildflowers.

The mist blowing off

the crest of ocean waves.

Through the sweet songs of birds

unraveled effortlessly.

The music playing in the rapids

of a rushing mountain stream.

The atmospheric light

dancing with sky, clouds and rain.

Beauty in nature is not essential, 

it's God's voice within gifts of creation.

© 2024 Richard Havenga

Photo Locations:

1. Grattan Township - Kent County - Michigan

2. Sanibel Island Florida

3. Cannonsburg State Game Area - Kent County - Michigan

4. Arkansas River - Buena Vista, Colorado

5. Grand Teton National Park Wyoming

Monday, July 1, 2024

Windows of Your Heart


Open the windows of your heart.

Extend the antenna of awareness.

Examine the ordinary,

until it becomes extraordinary.

Be alert, and listen to your muse.

Prepared to capture ideas and images.

Then express what you truly feel.

Write of things that make your heart sing.

© 2024 Richard Havenga

Photo Location:

1. Home Garden - Cannonsburg, Michigan